Peter "Beak" Cvijanovic

Flame / Nuke / Compositing Supervisor



Or welcome back if you are a returning visitor. I've given the place a facelift, added a new showreel, posted my resume, merged some of the color tools, re-secured the contact page, which kept getting hacked, as well as tweaked the (ever popular) qEDL web app.

There are a couple of things to do here. First it is an online presence for my compositing and VFX work, a one stop shop where you can watch my reel, download the shot description and my CV. Plus you can send me an email directly from here, using the Contact link above. A bio page is in the works.

The other thing to do is use the tools and gadgets. If you need to do quick EDL creation, I have just the thing for you. There are also an RGB color mixer and an RGB/Yxy conversion tool. These are described (ad nauseum) in their respected info pages. More tools are planned, and I hope I can get your feedback in making these more useful. Indeed, any feedback you want to give, about the site, the reel, tools you'd like, improvements, etc. please do. Use the main menu bar above and you should find everything.